WW Moments

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Worauf muss ich beim Welpenkauf achten? William Walker Hundeaccessoires Hundeleinen und Hundehalsbänder Paracord Hanseatic Hundeleine Hamburg

What to be aware of when buying a Puppy

Congratulations! You want to walk through your future life with a lively furry nose? Great decision! Because we know a dog is not just a dog - with a short wag of the tail, poodles, dachshunds, ret...

#wwmomentsPhoto of the Month William Walker Hundeleine und Hundehalsbänder Hundeaccessoires Hafencity Hamburg Fotoshooting

Photo of the Month #2

This month it was almost impossible to commit to just one photo. Therefore we decided to make a photo series of the most beautiful images of our winter shooting. Together with Patrick and the Fren...

#wwmomentsWilliam Walker Impulskontrolle in der Hundeerziehung -  Warum die Kontrolle von spontanen Impuls-Handlungen so wichtig ist

Impulse control within dog training - Why the control of spontaneous impulse actions is so important

Running rabbits, flying balls or running children - everything that moves fast acts as a stimulus on our four-legged friends. They want to follow this stimulus instinctively and immediately and the...

#wwmomentsWilliam Walker Entrepreneurs Unternehmer mit Hund

Entrepreneurs - Why many entrepreneurs have a dog

As an entrepreneur, everyday life is often exhausting, and it doesn't matter if there are 1000 people working in the company or if you're a lone warrior. It's hard to find time for yourself, to ma...

Shiba inu

Photo of the month #01

Our Photo of the Month in January was taken during a walk in downtown Hamburg and shows a great duo in a monochrome look. As you can see, little Miko can hardly stay still. The 10-month-old Shiba ...

Zeit mit dem Hund verbringen

Quality-Time with your dog

In a perfect world, we would probably spend 24 hours, 7 days a week with our beloved four-legged friend. But unfortunately, for most people this is a utopian idea. Work, family and other obligatio...