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Vizsla Puppy - Breed Profile Magyar Vizsla

#friendsofwilliamwalker Breed Profile Magyar Vizsla

What exactly does "dog breed" mean? A dog breed is a specific and distinguishable breeding of a domestic dog. The Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI) currently has about 370 different dog b...

Hundeleine und Hundehalsband in Beige aus Leder

Fashionable during the cold season 2021/2022 - the Top 3 Winter Fashion Trends for Dogs and Owners

Winter is a magical season. Christmas, the start of the new year, snow flurries and forests dipped in icing - magical. Winter stands for an end and a new beginning, for cosiness and comfort. In te...

Qualzucht bei Hunden - die Tierzucht des Leidens

Torture breeding of dogs - the animal breeding of suffering

What does " torture breeding" actually mean? The term "torture breeding" means the explicit breeding of certain unhealthy characteristics in a dog breed, which results in the bred dogs having healt...

Hund im Winter - 9 wichtige Tipps

Dogs in winter - 9 important tips in the snow and cold

The days become shorter, the nights longer and the temperatures drop. Winter is clearly approaching and not only we humans have to adapt to the cold season, our four-legged friends also need a lit...

Urlaub mit Hund in Winter

#wwtravelguide - Winter vacation with a dog

Blue clear skies, the sun is shining and the snow is sparkling: What is more beautiful than a relaxing walk with the dog? Deep snowy forests and white powder snow have a very special charm for dog...

Hund Silvester Angst

New Year's Eve with a dog - 3 important tips if your dog is afraid of firecrackers, fireworks and banging noises

A tucked tail, shivering like a fish out of water, searching for a hiding place under the bed or in the last corner of the house. New Year's Eve is a nightmare for many dogs. Hardly bearable for o...