
#williamwalkerrecipes Valentine's Day dog biscuits - make your own tasty dog treats

William Walker #williamwalkerrecipes -  Herzhafte selbstgemachte Hundekekse zum Valentinstag

Easy and quick recipes for homemade dog biscuits for Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day is just around the corner. For some it is pure romance, for others it is just a day like any other. Nevertheless, it offers a good opportunity to pamper your loved ones. Because not only the partner is pleased guaranteed about a few extra flowers, also your beloved four-legged friend can get his money's worth on the day of love. And because love goes through the stomach, we present you today two delicious recipes for hearty dog cookies for Valentine's Day. Easy to make, beautiful to look at and ideal for giving as gifts. With the help of our magic ingredient beet, our self-made cookies not only get a beautiful reddish color, but also the healthy plus. Beet is full of vitamins, iron, potassium and other nutrients, has a positive effect on the immune system, as well as the digestive tract and also makes shiny fur and resistant dog skin.

A little tip: The beautiful red-pink color of the beet has a disadvantage - it stains. So when cooking, baking and handling the red tuber is best to wear gloves and an apron.

1. Williams Banana Love - Dog cookies with banana


- 400 g wheat flour (or spelt flour)

- 1 egg

- 1 large banana

- 100 ml beetroot juice


Mash the banana and mix with the egg, flour and beetroot juice. Knead everything well into a homogeneous dough, adding a little juice or flour if necessary for a doughy consistency. Now simply roll out the dough on a surface lightly dusted with flour and use a heart biscuit cutter to cut out the dog biscuits for Valentine's Day. Now simply bake in a preheated oven at 160 °C degrees convection for 30 minutes (+/-5min). Leave to cool and the delicious Valentine's Day dog biscuits are ready.

2. Williams Sausage Surprise Valentine's Edition - Dog biscuits with Liver sausage


- 250 g spelt flour

- 250 g poultry liver sausage

- 50 g spelt flakes

- 100 ml beet juice

- a small dash of William Walker Premium Linseed Oil "Lucky Love


Mix together about ¾ of the spelt flour, the liver sausage and spelt flakes. Then mix with the beet juice and linseed oil. The ingredients must be kneaded well (be sure to remember the gloves). Work the rest of the spelt flour into the dough and spread it preferably on a surface covered with baking paper. Roll out the dough to a thickness of about ½ cm and cut out the cookies using heart shapes. Place everything on a baking tray covered with baking paper. Bake the dog cookies in a preheated oven at 200 °C top/bottom heat for about 20 minutes. Depending on the volume of the cookies, the baking time varies by plus/minus 5 minutes.

Shelf life: This is how your homemade dog biscuits will last longer

With our tasty recipes for Valentine's Day you can show your dog once again how much you love him. In addition, self-made cookies for the gourmet snout is always an ideal and with love made gift for a dog owner. The cookies are best dried overnight on the heater, then they are also nice and long lasting. Then you can put them in a bag, tie a bow on it - and the little Valentine's gift is ready.

If you say dog cookies are a great idea, but baking them yourself isn't your thing, then be sure to check out our delicious William Walker Treats. They're guaranteed to be delicious, and all varieties come in handy tasting sizes.

Would you like more recipes for your dog?

Want more recipes from the William Walker Kitchen? Then check out our blog wwrecipes. Here you'll find everything from dog ice cream to vegan cookies.

Feel free to leave a comment telling us how your favorite four-legged friends enjoyed our cookie variations.

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